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Kunstenaar John Lurie

23 december - 2014
door Vincent Moleveld


The Skeleton In My Closet Has Moved Out To The Garden, watercolor, oil pastel and graphite on clayboard, 16x20, 2008

Kunstenaar John Lurie

John Lurie

dook op in de kunstscene in het voorjaar van 2004, toen hij zijn eerste tentoonstelling had bij Anton Kern Gallery. Sindsdien is Lurie's werk tentoongesteld in gerenommeerde galeries over de hele wereld. Hij heeftsolotentoonstellingen gehad in musea zoals P.S.1.Contemporary Arts Centerin NewYork, Musée desBeaux-Arts deMontréal, hetMusée d'Art ModerneGrand-DucJeanin Luxemburg endeWatariMuseum of Contemporary Artin Tokio,die hun helemuseumgavenaan de presentatie vanLurie's werk.

Bison, watercolor, ink on paper, 10"x14", 2005

John Lurie, 'Bison', watercolor, ink on paper, 10"x14", 2005

Bobo didn't believe in evolution so God turned him into a flower, watercolor on paper, 2014

John Lurie, 'Bobo didn't believe in evolution so God turned him into a flower', watercolor on paper, 2014

Bones Are On The Outside, watercolor and ink on clayboard, 18x36, 2006

John Lurie, 'Bones Are On The Outside', watercolor and ink on clayboard, 18x36, 2006

Bus Driver, oil on linen, 18x24, 2009

John Lurie, 'Bus Driver', oil on linen, 18"x24", 2009

Deer and Stoplight, watercolor and ink on paper, 12x18, 2009

John Lurie, 'Deer and Stoplight', watercolor and ink on paper, 12"x18", 2009

I Am Thankful For My Skeleton. He Is Still In The Garden. Oil on linen, 26x36, 2009

John Lurie, 'I Am Thankful For My Skeleton. He Is Still In The Garden.', Oil on linen, 26"x36", 2009

King pig turned flowers into language. This was later seen as a mistake. watercolor and ink on paper, 20x14, 2014

John Lurie, 'King pig turned flowers into language. This was later seen as a mistake.', watercolor and ink on paper, 20"x14", 2014

Man Cannot Destroy Nature, Nature Is Too Mean, oil on linen, 24x36, 2010

John Lurie, 'Man Cannot Destroy Nature, Nature Is Too Mean', oil on linen, 24"x36", 2010

Men going to work over flowers, watercolor and graphite on paper, 14x10, 2013

John Lurie, 'Men going to work over flowers', watercolor and graphite on paper, 14"x10", 2013

No Matter Where You Go, There Is Always A Crazy Neighbor. Watercolor, oil pastel and ink on paper, 14X10, 2012

John Lurie, 'No Matter Where You Go, There Is Always A Crazy Neighbor.', Watercolor, oil pastel and ink on paper, 14"x10", 2012

Of Course, Animals Have Souls, gouache, ink on paper, 16x12, 2004

John Lurie, 'Of Course, Animals Have Souls', gouache, ink on paper, 16x12, 2004

Some Wallflowers Are Evil, watercolor on paper, 24x18, 2013

John Lurie, 'Some Wallflowers Are Evil', watercolor on paper, 24"x18", 2013

There are things you don't know about, watercolor on paper, 20x14, 2014

John Lurie, 'There are things you don't know about', watercolor on paper, 20"x14", 2014

There Is A God. There is No God. There Is One God, My God. Let's Tear Each Other To Shreds. Watercolor and graphite on paper, 16x12, 2013

John Lurie, "There Is A God." "There is No God." "There Is One God, My God." "Let's Tear Each Other To Shreds.", Watercolor and graphite on paper, 16"x12", 2013

Ga voor meer informatie naar de website van John Lurie.

Bron foto's: John Lurie